$197.00 USD

3 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Elevation Winter 2024

Elevate your photography business in 2024! 

Stop logging onto your social media and getting immediately frustrated that you still see no growth. 

Stop spending days frustrated that you're good at what you do but it seems like no one even sees it. 

Stop offering mini-sessions but feel like you need to lower your prices to compete. 


You're not stuck. Investing in yourself is investing in change. 

What you'll get:

  • 2 Monthly Zooms outlined below
  • Monthly Content Calendar
  • Access to all recordings
  • Q + A opportunities monthly to worth through your homework
  • Learn how to market yourself without feeling exhausted and icky
  • Learn how to create beautiful emails and connect with your words to attract your ideal client
  • Learn how to brand yourself to increase your value. 

Class Schedule:


1/2- Vision CLARITY - Setting goals that serve you

1/16- Branding Yourself + Design


2/6-  Email Marketing and Funnels for Photographers

2/20 - How to use Pinterest to Serve You


3/5- Blogging and Writing for Photographers

3/19- Polishing YOU as the CEO

The value of this program is well over $1,500 and likely will be that amount this spring.